Books usually allow you to use your imagination for the details of a person's appearance. Even though Stieg Larsson left little to the imagination in portraying Lisbeth Salander with her diminuitive size, her piercings, and that graphic tattoo, in my mind she became less harsh in her appearance as the story developed. I started to see her as a frail victim of a system that treated her as disposable.
The movie on the other hand gives you this

I saw Rooney Mara in an interview this week. She has dimples, and she actually blushed when Ann Curry talked about her Golden Globe nomination. Where could Rooney's portrayal of Lisbeth Salander come from? She said she had read the books, and fell in love with the character as millions of readers did.
I saw the movie today. Hubby hasn't read the book, and probably won't. While I was enthralled with Mara's performance, he was watching the time tick away. It's a loooong movie, at 158 minutes. I didn't notice the length until it got to the anti-climactic part after the Harriet story had been solved. Then I realized the movie had missed too much of the Lisbeth story that I read in the book, and the reason I kept reading through three episodes. The movie makes her a background character. I will say though that Rooney Mara made the most of her time on the screen. All the subtle looks of disgust, endearment, fear tell a lot about the girl fighting to have her life back, even without the backstory of confinement in mental institutions when she was a little girl. I suppose the screen-writer is saving that for the next installment.
I give the movie four stars.
Thanks for the review Sarah.
I haven't read any of the books, but I am planning on seeing the movie this weekend.
I also loved the books, and they're some of the few I could read again and again without getting bored of them. I haven't seen the movie, nor do I really care to, as I've heard doesn't do the books justice.
Have you seen the Swedish adaptations? Those movies are, in my opinion, absolutely phenomenal. The subtitles seem like they'd be annoying, but after a few minutes, it's like second nature.
I agree with Cary, the Swedish adaptations are so much better. They were brilliantly done. Noomi Rapace is a fantastic Lisbeth if you ask me. Definitely worth a watch.
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