Wednesday, March 28, 2018

An American Marriage

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An American Marriage"An American Marriage" or "American Tragedy" or "American Triangle?" And it happened in the Piney Woods. Roy and Celestial decided not to stay at his Mama's house that night and went instead to the Piney Woods, where Roy went to get a bucket of ice and ran into a woman who needed help with her ice due to a rotator cuff. Roy cautioned her to lock the door, and he left. Then another man opened the door and raped the woman.

After weeks of motions and depositions, Roy slept behind bars 100 nights before he was brought to trial, and the woman could not identify Roy...sent to prison for 15 years, an innocent man.

The story continues with chapters back and forth between Roy and Celestial, both hopeful that Roy will be vindicated. The years go on weighing on both of them, a difficult time to be going to visit Roy in prison, until he tells Celestial not to come anymore.

And then after five years of depositions with the help of "Uncle Banks," Roy is released and doesn't know what to do with his life. During that time his mother, Olive has died, Celestial and her friend Andre have attended the funeral and burial.

I had a tearful time when Celestial sang "Jesus Promised me a Home." I had to dig up Jennifer Hudson to listen to the song a few times.

When "Big Roy" stayed to bury Olive without the help of the crew of men provided, himself using only a shovel, Celestial and Andre stayed until Olive was sufficiently buried.

Finally Roy is released, and goes to Big Roy's house to decide how his life should proceed. He still has a wife and struggles with his relationship with Celestial as well as with Andre.

There were some gut-wrenching scenes before it was all over, and Roy finally gave in to continue his own life.

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