Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's Done!!

Amazon support came through with flying colors and my book is available for Kindle download. If you have a Kindle device, or if you want to get Kindle for PC (free beta download), or if a Kindle is on your Christmas wish list....any more if's I can think of?? Click here for the Kindle book.

It's a win-win. The price is $7.99 vs. $17.99 for the paperback, and the author gets a bigger percentage royalty. Nice Christmas present for everybody. And unlike ordering from Norm Thompson, there is no waiting on pins and needles for the sweater that doesn't arrive as promised "in time for Christmas."

Of course if you want an autographed copy, the price is $16 plus shipping and handling. Click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ms Sara!!! This is good news indeed!!!