Tuesday, October 23, 2012


It has taken me four years, including three NanoWriMo's to complete this book.  My baby is out the door.

Tell them I Died

Tell Them I Died is a romantic adventure that centers on the loves and lives of Angela and Bodine Beaudoin and their friends on the social networking site, Blaq-Kawfee.com. Angela and her husband Bodine are retired and live in Raleigh, North Carolina. Every day they talk to friends in Las Vegas, Memphis, Chicago, Darwin Australia, Atlanta, San Antonio, Los Angeles and other places where their internet friends live. They all interact on Blaq-Kawfee.com until Angela receives a phone call from Carlton telling her that his mother, A1QTEE, the owner/operator of Blaq-Kawfee died a month ago. Instantly, Angela smells foul play and finds herself working overtime, much to the chagrin of Bodine, to figure out what happened to her dear friend.

Read an excerpt here.

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