Friday, March 8, 2013

Boomer Lit Friday

Welcome to the Friday BoomerLit Blog Hop.  We are a group of authors sharing excerpts from our work every Friday on our blogs.  Check out the list of other authors participating this week, here:

Read a snippet from my novel TELL THEM I DIED, below.

Jackson settled into his car again. This time he allowed himself to nap until about nine. He thought by then Carlton would be up and getting dressed. When he rang the doorbell, he listened for movement inside the bungalow. He could hear a television and someone approaching the door. Jackson stepped back, expecting the door to open. He knew Carlton had to be on the other side of the door watching him through the peephole. When the door didn’t open, Jackson knocked, and said, “Carlton, it’s me. I know you’re in there.”

Carlton opened the door, looking down at his feet.

Jackson extended his hand to shake it. “Hey, man. I’m so sorry about your mom. When Angela told me, I took the first flight I could get.”

Carlton still stood in the doorway, not motioning for Jackson to come in.

“Can I come in? I know you have to go to work, so I won’t take too much of your time.” Carlton let him in, and led him into the kitchen, where Carlton had been eating a bowl of cereal.

“Tell me what happened. How did she die?” Jackson asked.

TELL THEM I DIED is available as an ebook or in print from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and others. You can find direct links on my website:


Courtney Pierce said...

I want to read more...and will. I love the title of your book!

Shelley Lieber said...

Great title and excerpt! You've captured that awkwardness of "what to say when someone has died" and the emptiness a death can leave in a loved one's life in just a few lines. Well done!

Anonymous said...

I love your book cover and your title. And your excerpt really hooked me.

saraphen said...

Thanks, everybody.

Michael Murphy said...

Definitely made me want to read more and find out about their relationship. Excellent excerpt leaving me wanting more.

Unknown said...

So glad you joined us this week! The title of your book is so compelling I've had several of my Friends on Facebook comment on it! Good job!

Sandra Nachlinger said...

I love your dialogue. Having one person talking (too much, awkward) and the other completely silent really makes the scene seem real. Good writing.

Claude Forthomme said...

I agree with everyone here, well done!

As always, I'm impressed by the professional level of writing of boomerlit authors, great voice!

Unknown said...

Sarah, I'm reading your book right now and enjoying it immensely.

saraphen said...

Bless your heart, Linda!