Saturday, October 25, 2008

My First Booksigning

First-time self-published authors have a tough row to hoe. The Big-Box bookstores don't want to waste their shelf space if you're not a sure thing. And even some of the independent book stores will risk only one-at-a-time on consignment, under the desk, available on request. Thank God for the few remaining black independent bookstores.

I wrote about The Know Bookstore before when they first allowed me some of their real estate. The Know is a Durham institution, but even institutions need to stay afloat financially. The Know does it with the restaurant and the Friday night jam sessions. The owner, Bruce Bridges invited me to set up my table for a book-signing last night. I arrived before eight, and some of the regulars were staking out their places in the cozy restaurant already. They were very polite about listening to my pitch as I went from table to table. And a few even bought the book!

Then the crowd started coming, the regular musicians, and a few new faces, a teenager who plays a mean bass, and singer from South America. A few people came looking to see if Bruce had Crystal Mangum's memoir that was supposed to drop on Friday. She's the woman who accused the Duke Lacrosse players of rape. People were sure that if anybody had the book, Bruce would have it. He doesn't have it yet.

In between sets, Bruce pitched for me, and even let me take the mike for a minute. It sure is good to know some home folks at The Know.

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